HGH 1000
If you search for HGH 1000 on the internet, thinking that you are going to find a supplier for a human hormone replacement product, you are likely to have a very frustrating time. Though a Google search does turn up a lot of hits, none of them seem to have anything to say about a product with that name - some of them provide a hopeful looking link, which subsequently leads to yet another page that has nothing to do with your search. Perhaps it is a product that has disappeared from the market.
No worries - if HGH 1000 doesn't exist, there are lots of other HGH products out there to choose from, as you will quickly discover from your search. Navigating the many sites, most of which warn you about the competition, can lead to a great deal of confusion. You will soon be wondering who can be believed, and you may find yourself visiting your pharmacist or physician to get some straight information on human growth hormone. That's probably not a bad plan. To help sort it all out however, you can divide the various products available on the internet roughly into three categories.
There are vendors who claim that their product actually contains human growth hormone. The competition points out that the only way to get any benefit from the real thing is to have it injected, and only a prescription from a medical doctor can provide that treatment. Moreover, providing the hormone for anti aging purposes is not approved, and is therefore illegal. Perhaps the original HGH 1000 was one of these.
Then there are vendors who are selling a product containing a complex of amino acids meant to provide the same benefits as actual human growth hormone. Interestingly, one such product is named GHR1000, the GHR being an acronym for growth hormone replacement - perhaps this is what HGH 1000 turned into at some point. Detractors point out that this is really just a mixture of proteins that have no relationship to growth hormone and shouldn't be compared to it.
Finally, there are the products that are reported to stimulate the human pituitary gland to produce more human growth hormone on its own. This seems like a sensible approach but there is, of course, debate about whether it actually works. If it does, then the product would supply the actual growth hormone at reliably safe levels.
In the end, if a human growth hormone product or hormone replacement product produces the desired results - a return of vitality and energy and a youthful feeling - then it's doing something. If the never-ending websites and the debate on the internet confuse you, get away from the computer and seek some straight information from a trusted source. Then you can make an informed decision about where to spend your money.
R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. You can learn more about HGH 1000 on the AntiAging Information site.
Labels: best_hgh, buy_hgh, buy_hgh_online, buying_hgh